Thursday, August 25, 2011

Difference between Lokpal vs Jan Lokpal Bill

Government's Lokpal will not have any power to either initiate action suo motu in any case or even receive complaints of corruption from public  The Jan Lokpal proposes full powers to initiate investigations suo motu in any case and also to directly entertain complaints from the public. 
The government wants Lokpal to be an advisory body, which will only forward its enquiry report to the competent authority for action.  The Jan Lokpal Bill proposes powers to initiate prosecution after completion of investigations. 
The government's Lokpal will not have any police powers and it will not be able to register an FIR.   The Jan Lokpal proposes police powers and would be able to register FIR, proceed with criminal investigations and launch prosecution. 
The government's Lokpal won't have powers to investigate any case against PM, which deals with foreign affairs, security and defence.  But the Jan Lokpal Bill proposes no such bar on Lokpal's powers. 
The government's Lokpal will not have jurisdiction over bureaucrats and government officers. Jan Lokpal will have jurisdiction over politicians, officials and even judges. It also proposes merging the entire vigilance machinery into Lokpal.

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